This article discusses the challenges faced by the fleet industry since the pandemic, such as vehicle shortages, inflation, rising gas prices, and limited access to capital. FLD, a leader in vehicle remarketing, has developed strategies to help fleets navigate these disruptions. A key solution is their OVRView app, which offers real-time visibility and control over the entire remarketing process. Fleets can track assets from assignment to sale, check vehicle conditions, and streamline operations through a single, user-friendly interface. This free app allows fleet managers to save time, money, and resources by reducing manual tasks, providing up-to-date information, and ensuring vehicles are sold for maximum value.

OVRView helps fleets regain control lost due to industry disruption, enabling them to manage remarketing more efficiently and tackle issues such as vehicle condition reporting, transport tracking, and asset management. The app also addresses labor challenges, allowing users to do more with fewer resources. With its intuitive design, multiple team members can collaborate in real-time, enhancing teamwork and decision-making.

FLD emphasizes the importance of technological advancements like OVRView in helping fleets remain competitive in an era of disruption. By providing a streamlined, risk-free remarketing solution, FLD helps fleets optimize operations and reduce risk. As the industry continues to evolve, FLD’s innovative tools, such as OVRView, are positioned to help fleets navigate the uncertainties ahead while maximizing efficiency and profitability.

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