News + Insights


FLD’s quarterly Fleet Manager Sentiment Index scores how top fleet managers are feeling about 7 key topics important to the industry on a 1 (not feeling positive about a subject) to 5 basis (feeling confident). Our first Fleet Manager Sentiment Index of 2025 shows top fleet managers are feeling slightly more confident than they were in Q4 2024 on 5 of our 7 topics, including fuel costs, vehicle availability, maintenance, the supply chain and talent availability, and only slightly less confident about the US economy and their “gut” feeling about the fleet industry in general. *Mouse over any quarter to see its specific chart.

One of our most popular series, “Get to Know TeamFLD’s” Ron Fields, who has worked in the automotive field since he was 16 years old!

One of our most popular series, “Get to Know TeamFLD’s” newest Director of Business Development Carrie Galvan, a former client who liked working with us so much she came to work with our world class remarketing team!

As we do each quarter, FLD Charities supported yet another South Florida children’s charity in Q2, this time the amazing organization “Little Smiles,” who’ve been helping local children deal with trauma since 1999.

Hired to re-write FLD’s proprietary software in 1997, Santiago went on to be Chief Technology Officer and one of three partners in the company. Find out what makes him tick and why he’s the reason FLD is always one step ahead in the race to give our customers the best tech experience possible.

Office manager. Expert. Den mother. A 20-year-plus associate at FLD, Gidget Ocampo is the glue that holds TeamFLD together. Find out what makes her tick and why our team would be challenged without her in the latest installment of “Get to Know TeamFLD!”

TeamFLD and our inveterate mascot FLD Frank to this year’s Work Truck Week by storm with a bigger booth, an all new presence and lots of one on one time with customers and friends. That included a big night out with our Customer Advisory Board members in the VIP Suite at the Indianapolis Pacers game. […]

A 30-plus year veteran of FLD and an icon in the fleet industry, our monthly series takes a look at our President Gary Mott and his philosophy on the business, life and the perfect weekend at the lake! Find out a little more about what makes him tick in and how he vies his 30-plus-year […]

A 25-year veteran of FLD, Director of Business Development Carol Fowler is a “firecracker” well known throughout the fleet industry. Learn more about why Carol loves the fleet industry so much and what she does when she’s not helping customers dispose of used assets!


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