As he was in 2023, FLD Frank was the star of the show at this year’s Work Truck Week in Indianapolis – greeting visitors to our booth, getting mobbed on the show floor, and sharing his insights on some of the important folks and big developments he saw during an action packed week!

The 2024 Work Truck Show pulled into the Indianapolis Convention Center March 5-8 and TeamFLD was on hand with a bigger booth and our popular mascot FLD Frank. And while official numbers haven’t been released, Frank was anxious to share some of the things he learned.
- This year’s Work Truck Week – themed as “more than just a trade show” – had a similar feel to pre-pandemic shows with a packed floor, all-day buzz and a serious amount of business activity.
- The most daunting problem facing fleets last year – lack of available vehicles – appears to be waning as discussions with top fleet leaders reveal that OEM’s are normalizing production, delivering vehicles and order boards remain open for 2024. We also heard that some OEMs are asking fleets to take excess 2023 vans to ensure a full allocation in 2024.
- As we predicted, irrational exuberance around EV’s dropped-off significantly from the last two WTWs, including less startup EV manufacturers and related products and services as many businesses rotated out of the sector and new ones came in.
- That’s not to say EV’s weren’t front and center – they were. It’s just that there’s been a palpable realization that they won’t be the only route to carbon neutrality. Lots of talk about alternative options.
- The OEM’s all featured EV’s albeit with a varied emphasis from last year – with GM noticeably more involved. All had huge, impressive booths matched by those of exhibitors like Knapheide, Wabash, GM, JP Poindexter and Ranger Design.
- Peterbuilt and Kenworth both had predictable showings, while HINO seems to have separated itself from the pack with some innovative cab-over products.
And finally, a big thanks to our Customer Advisory Board members for their indispensable insights and for joining us in the luxury suite at the Thursday night Pacers game during WTW!
And be sure to follow me on Twitter at @FLDFrankly to get actionable insights and useful tips on important happenings across the fleet world!

At FLD, we know our clients, partners and friends can’t attend every trade show or fleet event, so we like to keep them in the know by sharing insights and perspective gleaned by our expert staff, and our roving observer — “Frank” — who’s always got his ear to the ground and his eyes focused on what’s coming next!